Vibe Parallel Build RSpec Rails   Build #66 OK

Started: 2021-08-29T07:14:34Z
Duration: 3 minutes
Time saved by parallel: -69.5%
False alarms: 0
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Test Results ( 25 tests took 3 minutes on 1 agents, 2 minutes if one machine )
Agent test file   ( 25 test cases in 10 test scripts files ) Time (s) Result
07:15:10 Agent-01
post_entry_gratitude_spec.rb 4.5  54
        - New gratitude post Add a new gratitude entry, verify the pre-filled title 2.5 OK  
07:14:50 Agent-01
login_spec.rb 6.6  54
        - Create and login as user Login Fail 2.3 OK  
        - Create and login as user login OK then logout 2.4 OK  
07:17:37 Agent-01
responsive_ui_spec.rb 6.7  54
        - Responsive UI Mobile - Add new entry 4.7 OK  
07:17:58 Agent-01
post_permission_admin_spec.rb 9.2  50
        - Post Permission by Admin Admin user can edit other users' existing post 1.0 OK  
        - Post Permission by Admin Admin user can delete other users' existing post 1.3 OK  
07:17:25 Agent-01
post_permission_other_spec.rb 9.5  54
        - Post Permission by Other One user cannot edit other's existing post 0.6 OK  
        - Post Permission by Other One user cannot delete other's existing post 0.2 OK  
07:17:46 Agent-01
sign_up_spec.rb 10.0  54
        - Sign up Sign up OK 3.2 OK  
        - Sign up Can't sign up with the same username twice 2.6 OK  
        - Sign up Sign up Validation: password match 1.2 OK  
        - Sign up Sign up Validation: user name too long 1.3 OK  
07:17:13 Agent-01
post_permission_guest_spec.rb 10.1  54
        - Post Permission by Guest Guest user cannot delete existing entry 0.8 OK  
        - Post Permission by Guest Guest user cannot edit existing entry 0.7 OK  
        - Post Permission by Guest Guest user cannot create new entry 0.7 OK  
07:15:27 Agent-01
post_entry_question_spec.rb 13.2  54
        - New question post Add a new question entry, verify the random title 10.7 OK  
07:15:51 Agent-01
post_entry_spec.rb 14.2  54
        - Post Create Update Delete Add a new entry 4.4 OK  
        - Post Create Update Delete Edit an entry 2.6 OK  
        - Post Create Update Delete Delete an entry 4.9 OK  
07:16:17 Agent-01
post_filtering_24hours_spec.rb 44.5  54
        - Post Filtering by 24 hours Public Entry limited by last 24 hours for public 0.6 OK  
        - Post Filtering by 24 hours Public Entry older than 24 hours is still viewable by admin users 1.6 OK  
        - Post Filtering by 24 hours Personal Entry from all time can be viewed by authenticated user 8.5 OK  
        - Post Filtering by 24 hours Personal Entry cannot be viewed by Guest user 7.5 OK  
        - Post Filtering by 24 hours Personal Entry cannot be viewed by other user 8.3 OK  
        - Post Filtering by 24 hours Personal Entry of all time can be viewed by admin user 8.4 OK  
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triggered by admin at 2021-08-29 07:14:34