Edit project: Vibe Build RSpec React (vibe-parallel-build-rspec-react)   Duplicate   User Stories

Test Execution Mode
Sequential Functional Parallel Functional Sequential Performance Parallel Load
Sequential (Functional and Performance): runs test scripts one by one on the build server machine;
Parallel Functional: distribute tests to BuildWise agents to run them in parallel to save time and increase reliability;
Load Testing: distribute tests to BuildWise agents to run them in parallel for load/performance testing purposes.

Source Control

Authentication: Use Git Credential Manager, set up SSH keys or embed user:pass in .git/config.

Build Steps (only take effect after save, drag to sort execution order)

Test framework:   Exclude suite name from test case:

UI tests (functional tests via GUI)

The folder (relative path) contains the main UI test scripts, such as ui-tests/spec or features.

Parallel Test Execution (run tests on multiple BuildWise Agents)

Set specific build agents for this project. BuildWise will use all if not set.
Failed tests will be retried one more time on another Build Agent to reduce false alarms.
The name of application to be tested, the Application setting in BuildWise Agent shall match this.
The checked out or cloned top directory from repository, e.g. /Users/me/myproject If you have agents on different platforms, separate them with ;
Test Files Rule Agents Active?

Environment Variables   (pass to builder running on the server, not affecting build agents)

Important: make sure BUILDWISE_MASTER URL correct and valid for lookup in server itself for distributed build. For Sequential Builds, the environment variables will be passed to test execution, common ones: BASE_URL, BROWSER.

Files/Directories to archive (relative to the project root dir, separate by ';')

Optional. The files listed here, if present, will be accessible on the build page after the build finishes.

User Interface (control features of BuildWise for this project)

Use HighLight.JS to format code/scripts wrapped in <pre><code class='xml'> alike format. Warning: special tags in test output might conflict HTML causing BuildWise not showing correct, if that happens, turn this off.

Requirement Traceability Generate requirement traceability matrix from automated tests

The link to external server (such as JIRA) for easier navigating to the user story. The story's external ID will be appended the above.

Deployment (on success builds, allow admin to invoke a Rake task to preform deployment)

Optional, the task name in Rakfile. An dropdown menu option is shown invoke this task for deployment.

API (configuration for the third party to interact with BuildWise server to manage builds of this project)

POST to /api/projects/vibe-parallel-build-rspec-react/trigger_build?api_key=API_KEY. If the value is empty, API is not enabled.

Notifications (notify the build outcome)

Post build status messages to a Slack channel, guide on Slack webhooks.
Yes   No
Yes   No
Send signals to Wemo Switch (has been configured in the same LAN as the BuildWise server) to turn on or off devices, such as Lava Lamps.
Yes   No
Send signals to TP-link Smart Plug (has been configured in the same LAN as the BuildWise server) to turn on or off devices, such as Lava Lamps. These two environment variables 'TP_LINK_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_USER' and 'TP_LINK_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_PASS' need to be set for TP-Link Cloud authentication.
Yes   No
Post the build result back using HTTP Post
Yes   No