3 failures
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Vibe Build RSpec Django   Build #201 Failed

Started: 2021-10-19T09:28:23Z
Duration: 5 minutes
Time saved by parallel: -28.7%
False alarms: 0
Change log
Test Results ( 43 tests took 5 minutes on 1 agents, 4 minutes if one machine )
Agent test file   ( 43 test cases in 19 test scripts files ) Time (s) Result
09:33:51 iMac-02
daily_tasks_spec.rb 8.0  3
        - Landing page daily tasks Complete mood task 0.8 Failure
        - Landing page daily tasks Complete post task, irrespective of post type 1.0 Failure
        - Landing page daily tasks Complete all daily tasks 0.7 Failure
09:28:31 iMac-02
hide_posts_spec.rb 19.0  48
        - Hide Posts Hide Post from detail page 5.4 OK  
        - Hide Posts Unhide post 5.1 OK  
        - Hide Posts Cannot hide same post multiple times 3.9 OK  
09:28:55 iMac-02
post_filtering_24hours_spec.rb 13.7  21
        - Post Filtering by 24 hours Public Entry limited by last 24 hours for public 1.8 OK  
        - Post Filtering by 24 hours Public Entry older than 24 hours is still viewable by admin users 2.0 OK  
09:29:13 iMac-02
post_question_filtering_spec.rb 35.0  21
        - Post Question Filtering Verify can only see answers to questions user has answered 31.7 OK  
09:29:51 iMac-02
post_entry_gratitude_spec.rb 11.0  19
        - New gratitude post Add a new gratitude entry, verify the pre-filled title 2.6 OK  
        - New gratitude post Add a new gratitude entry 2.0 OK  
        - New gratitude post Cancel gratitude entry and return to feed 2.5 OK  
09:30:05 iMac-02
post_entry_spec.rb 13.8  19
        - Post Create Update Delete Add a new entry 4.6 OK  
        - Post Create Update Delete Edit an entry 2.4 OK  
        - Post Create Update Delete Delete an entry 3.0 OK  
09:30:22 iMac-02
responsive_ui_spec.rb 8.3  18
        - Responsive UI Mobile - Add new entry 5.5 OK  
09:30:34 iMac-02
post_permission_other_spec.rb 10.9  15
        - Post Permission by Other One user cannot edit other's existing post 0.4 OK  
        - Post Permission by Other One user cannot delete other's existing post 0.2 OK  
09:30:48 iMac-02
save_posts_spec.rb 30.3  13
        - Save Posts Save Post from detail page 6.9 OK  
        - Save Posts Save post from list page 9.1 OK  
        - Save Posts Cannot save post multiple times 5.2 OK  
        - Save Posts Unsave post 6.0 OK  
09:31:22 iMac-02
post_entry_question_spec.rb 14.8  12
        - New question post Add a new question entry, verify the random title 11.0 OK  
09:31:40 iMac-02
search_post_spec.rb 17.0  12
        - Search Post Search in Title 3.1 OK  
        - Search Post Search in Content 1.5 OK  
        - Search Post Search is limited to 24 hours only 1.4 OK  
09:32:02 iMac-02
my_posts_spec.rb 13.6  11
        - MyPosts Check that old, gratitude and reflection show in My Posts 6.9 OK  
        - MyPosts Deleting a post is reflected in post history as well 3.0 OK  
09:32:18 iMac-02
post_permission_admin_spec.rb 12.0  11
        - Post Permission by Admin Admin user can edit other users' existing post 1.1 OK  
        - Post Permission by Admin Admin user can delete other users' existing post 0.2 OK  
09:32:34 iMac-02
post_permission_guest_spec.rb 12.9  11
        - Post Permission by Guest Guest user cannot delete existing entry 0.7 OK  
        - Post Permission by Guest Guest user cannot edit existing entry 0.6 OK  
        - Post Permission by Guest Guest user cannot create new entry 0.6 OK  
09:32:50 iMac-02
login_spec.rb 9.7  10
        - Create and login as user Login Fail 2.7 OK  
        - Create and login as user login OK then logout 3.8 OK  
09:33:02 iMac-02
search_other_spec.rb 14.9  10
        - Search Post Search in Title as Other user 4.0 OK  
        - Search Post Search in Content as Other user 1.7 OK  
09:33:23 iMac-02
mood_permission_spec.rb 8.2  9
        - Mood Permission User can only view and edit own moods 3.8 OK  
09:33:35 iMac-02
mood_spec.rb 11.6  9
        - Mood CRUD Moods 5.7 OK  
        - Mood User can only enter one mood for one day 2.4 OK  
09:34:03 iMac-02
sign_up_spec.rb 8.8  3
        - Sign up Sign up OK 3.3 OK  
        - Sign up Can't sign up with the same username twice 2.0 OK  
        - Sign up Sign up Validation: password match 1.0 OK  
Build log
2021-10-19 09:28:24 +0000 [Build] Start 2021-10-19 09:28:25 +0000 [INFO] buildwise-build.rb production | finding a build |201 => Vibe Build RSpec Django | (true)... 2021-10-19 09:28:25 +0000 [INFO] Running build command: for 'vibe-parallel-build-rspec', build: 201 2021-10-19 09:28:25 +0000 [INFO] Builder started: /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/.lock 2021-10-19 09:28:25 +0000 [INFO] New Build #201 2021-10-19 09:28:25 +0000 [INFO] Execute Git Command => cd /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources && git --git-dir=/home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources/.git fetch 2021-10-19 09:28:27 +0000 [INFO] Execute Git Command => cd /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources && git --git-dir=/home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources/.git reset --hard origin/django Checking out branch: django 2021-10-19 09:28:27 +0000 [INFO] Execute Git Command => cd /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources && git --git-dir=/home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources/.git checkout django Already on 'django' 2021-10-19 09:28:27 +0000 [INFO] Execute Git Command => cd /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources && git --git-dir=/home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources/.git log origin/django -1 --pretty=format:"%an|%ad|%H|%s" 2021-10-19 09:28:27 +0000 [INFO] Execute Git Command => cd /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources && git --git-dir=/home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources/.git log bf67ace9 -1 --pretty=format:"%an|%ad|%H|%s" 2021-10-19 09:28:27 +0000 [DEBUG] check Git changes, current Revision: bf67ace96b704fd56e375ba03cda8a4070e605f4 | last tested: bf67ace96b704fd56e375ba03cda8a4070e605f4 | new: false 2021-10-19 09:28:27 +0000 [DEBUG] #about update scm: scm_changes => false, :force => true, :last_build_ok => true| 2021-10-19 09:28:27 +0000 [DEBUG] Git determining change sets: --stat --since="2021-10-17 10:52:39" > /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/artifacts/00201-20211019092827/changeset.log 2021-10-19 09:28:27 +0000 [INFO] Execute Git Command => cd /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources && git --git-dir=/home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources/.git log --stat --since="2021-10-17 10:52:39" > "/home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/artifacts/00201-20211019092827/changeset.log" 2021-10-19 09:28:27 +0000 [INFO] Execute Git Command => cd /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources && git --git-dir=/home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources/.git log --stat -1 2021-10-19 09:28:27 +0000 [INFO] Execute Git Command => cd /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources && git --git-dir=/home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources/.git diff --name-only bf67ace96b704fd56e375ba03cda8a4070e605f4 HEAD /var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/buildwise/builder/base.rb:32: warning: encountered \r in middle of line, treated as a mere space 2021-10-19 09:28:28 +0000 [INFO] recent_changed_files: [] 2021-10-19 09:28:28 +0000 [INFO] Updated priority for 0 test script files 2021-10-19 09:28:28 +0000 [INFO] Copy UI tests /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources/spec to artifacts dir: /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/artifacts/00201-20211019092827. 2021-10-19 09:28:28 +0000 [INFO] Building ... 2021-10-19 09:28:28 +0000 [INFO] Clean reports from the last build at 2021-10-19 09:28:28 +0000 [INFO] Build step: UI Test 2021-10-19 09:28:28 +0000 [INFO] Run Rake task '-f Rakefile ci:ui_tests:full' 2021-10-19 09:34:15 +0000 [ERROR] {Builder} run task error | dir : /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources command : echo /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/sources zhimin$ rake\ -f\ Rakefile\ ci:ui_tests:full >> /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/artifacts/00201-20211019092827/step_541.log && rake -f Rakefile ci:ui_tests:full >> /home/zhimin/.buildwise/work/vibe-parallel-build-rspec/artifacts/00201-20211019092827/step_541.log 2>&1 exitstatus: 255 | ["/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/utils/command_line.rb:128:in `verify_exit_code'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/utils/command_line.rb:71:in `exec'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/utils/command_line.rb:46:in `block in execute'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/utils/command_line.rb:45:in `chdir'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/utils/command_line.rb:45:in `execute'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/buildwise/builder/rake.rb:24:in `run_task'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/buildwise/build_command.rb:517:in `block in execute_build_steps'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/buildwise/build_command.rb:501:in `each'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/buildwise/build_command.rb:501:in `execute_build_steps'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/buildwise/build_command.rb:133:in `block in run'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/buildwise/latch.rb:21:in `lock'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/lib/buildwise/build_command.rb:58:in `run'", "/var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/bin/buildwise-build.rb:62:in `<main>'"] 2021-10-19 09:34:15 +0000 [Build] successful? => false | current revision: bf67ace9 2021-10-19 09:34:15 +0000 [INFO] Parsing results and save to database ... 2021-10-19 09:34:15 +0000 [DEBUG] About the parse results xml (19 test files) and save to database 2021-10-19 09:34:15 +0000 [INFO] Archiving files: [] 2021-10-19 09:34:15 +0000 [INFO] Sending notifications ... 2021-10-19 09:34:15 +0000 [INFO] Archiving the builder log for build 201: /var/www/sinatra/buildwise-1.9.3/log/builds/build_201.log 2021-10-19 09:34:15 +0000 [INFO] The build 201 ends. 2021-10-19 09:34:15 +0000 [INFO] The build 201 marked as complete 2021-10-19 09:34:15 +0000 [INFO] BuildCommand finished with exit code: #<BuildStepExecution:0x000055ea4929a8b8>
triggered by admin at 2021-10-19 09:28:23